Saturday 30 July 2011


I've been thinking about random things that have happened in my life and how my response has influenced their effect.

When I was a kid someone told me about destiny and fate which completely flummoxed me. What? Whatever I do, it's not my choice, something or someone already figured it out? So I'm wearing this green t-shirt because I was always going to wear it?

When you're a kid you have lots of time to think about these things and I thought myself into lots of knots until I decided there was no point, it was just an idea. How the hell would they know anyway?

So, randomness. I find it interesting that a lot of where I am now, is as a result of some interesting series' of events.

That I did a degree was down to a friend lending me the newspaper with the clearing options, rather than  applying when everyone else did.

My first career change was due to sitting down next to someone in a theatre dressing room.

My latest career change began when I shared a table with someone at a exhibition.

Getting into jive dancing began as a random conversation with my parents' neighbour and became a very important period of my life where I met some fabulous people, had some lovely dances, got to escape the  daily grind and most importantly kept my sanity levels in check.

I have a couple of friends from my dancing days who I just got chatting to whilst waiting for a good piece of music and a decent partner and we are still in touch.

My relationship has benefited from some randomness. Early on I walked away from it. But a couple of days later I was on my way to work when I had a "Sliding Doors" moment. I was about to go through the ticket barrier, when I felt ill, so not wanting to risk being ill on the train, I went home and worked from there. Later I got a text from him saying that there was a family crisis and as he was on his own, so I suggested he come over so he wasn't on his own. After talking through the crisis, we discussed us. Two years on, we are getting married.

Interestingly I attended a course recently where he took the whole idea of "randomness" destiny and fate a whole lot further. However, this time this theory was backed up with quantum physics. So now I'm back to where I was as a kid in the "am I doing this because I want to or because I was always going to" stakes. The key difference is I've learnt not to over think it and enjoy the ride.

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